Lots of fun this week creating nations with RTE’s News2day. New countries included Dolphin Island, where everyone owns a dolphin from the age of 12, to Siciliene where an underwater tunnel gives safe passage to refugees arriving on the island.

See the RTE New2day report, 4 minutes into the link:

The Nation Creation workshops have accompanied the Silent Books exhibition in dlr LexIcon for the last month. This collection of more than 100 wordless picture books moves on to Tralee library in Kerry this week. Set up by iBbY (the International Board on Books for Young People, ibby.org) the exhibition has two sets. While one tours the world (now in Ireland thanks to iBbY Ireland, ibbyireland.com , the other is permanently housed on the Italian island of Lampedusa, where it serves refugees of all nationalities and ages who have fled persecution, war and famine in Africa, Asia and the Middle East.