Debbie Thomas, children’s author & educator
I write books for children (and the parents they look after) and run creative writing and story workshops in all sort of places, from schools and libraries to hospitals and direct provision centres. I love encouraging people of all shoe sizes to think, read and write creatively, and to explore this world and others through stories.

How did I come to do it?
After studying fossils in England, working in BBC radio, meeting prawn farmers in Bangladesh and dancing with pygmies in Uganda, what else can you do?
Stories For Wellbeing
Who doesn’t love stories? They’re GOOD for our minds, emotions, relationships and confidence. They build empathy and resilience, literacy, learning and communication skills. They conquer prejudice, celebrate diversity and promote inclusion. They ignore grades, incomes and qualifications. Whether you’re top of the class or bottom, president of the universe or learning to read, stories will boost your mental health.

My latest book…
When Connie gets a letter from the dad she thought was dead, she sets out to discover why he left her, eight years ago, sitting in an airport café with only her pet chameleon for company.
‘Full of heart and feeling, intriguing and entertaining, fun and fantastic…this really is a fabulous summer read!’ – Fallen Star Stories.

Cover illustration by Shannon Bergin.
Workshops & Author Visits
Through author visits, creative writing workshops and development education, I promote wellbeing, inclusion and global awareness. I travel nationally, from Cork to Cavan, Kildare to Kerry. I love working with children and adult groups, both in formal education and the nonformal sector, including refugee groups, families in direct provision and children in hospital. I’m open to travelling all over; you can contact me here.